Mal wieder ein recht guter Podcast von
Passend zum Thema: Raus mit der Chemie aus dem Körper
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Einkaufstipps bezüglich Reinigungsmitteln, Dirty Dozen, Kosmetik uvm.
Zum Thema: Nahrungsmittelunverträglichkeiten hab ich einen interessanten Test in Nourishing Traditions gefunden:
An easy way to determine whether you are allergic to a certain food is the following:
Avoid the suspected food for at least four days. Then
eat a moderate amount of it on an empty stomach. Test your pulse before and after eating the food. If your pulse rises more than a few beats per
minute, or if you have any adverse reaction, you are probably allergic to it. We should always be alert to symptoms of food intolerance, such as
rashes, fatigue, insomnia, headaches, joint pain and hoarseness. These are nature’s warning signals, and it is the wise individual who heeds them.
Klingt interessant! Vor allem sind 4 Tage doch ein überschaubarer Zeitraum.
Achtung: Nicht geeignet um Kaffeeunverträglichkeiten festzustellen 😉