Training ist Medizin

Heute auf die schnelle etwas Lesenswertes. Für die lesefaulen hab ich einige der interessantesten Inhalte unten als Zitat eingefügt.

Exercise is Medicine – The Anti-Inflammatory Effects of H.I.I.T. Exercise -by Jade and Teta Keoni, ND, CSCS

Vielleicht doch ein Grund sich nicht immer um Density Training, Tabata und Hiit herumzudrücken. Interessant finde ich auch die Aussage des Verfassers, das die Art von Workout im Prinzip für jeden Trainingsstand unabhängig von ggf. sogar vorhandenen ernsthaften Erkrankungen geeignet scheint.  Im unteren Teil gibt es hierfür auch eine direkte Anweisung, wie man so ein „AntiInflammatory“-Training den gestalten könnte.

Mich würden jetzt natürlich eure Favoriten bezüglich Übungsauswahl und Trainingsformat interessieren. Ganz nett finde ich z.B Tabata Frontsquats, PushPress, Burpees, Sandsack clean und press usw. Für geeignet halte ich auch das Leitersystem.
In der Vergangenheit hab ich z.B. ab und zu gerne mal die Leiter von 1-10 mit Burpees und T-Handle Swings gemacht. Wenn möglich ohne Pausen.

Neuerdings experimentiere ich ein wenig mit Langhantelkomplexen. Wenn man sich da auf 2-4 Übungen beschränkt, geht das auch ordentlich auf die Pumpe und den Bewegungsapparat. Zuletzt durchgeführt: Steifbeiniges Kreuzheben, Hang clean, Frontkniebeuge, Push Press.


The anti-inflammatory effects of high intensity exercise
performed exercise releases signaling molecules that stimulate a
unique healing response that couples both inflammatory and
anti-inflammatory mechanisms to repair, regene
and grow tissue stronger.
intensity short duration movement that is tailored to the indiviual,
uses short rest periods, and engages the whole body may be the chief
means of attaining anti-inflammatory effects from exercise.
inflammation is often thought of as destructive, it is actually a
closely orchestrated event that first produces pain, redness,
swelling, heat and tissue destruction, but then is followed by
muscle-body messengers
muscle contracts, IL-6 is released. IL-6 is a well known cytokine and
has long been thought to be inflammatory in nature as part of what is
known as the inflammatory triad; TNF-alpha, IL-1, and IL-6.
released from muscle and in high concentrations without TNF-alpha and
IL-1, IL-6 is anti-inflammatory 10, 12
appears exercise induced IL-6 has unique action as opposed to
TNF-alpha mediated release of
Exercise causes a huge rise in IL-6 far and above TNF-alpha levels.
This is in sharp contrast to infection or sepsis which shows an
exponential rise in both. It may be the ratio of IL-6 to TNF-alpha
that is the real concern in regards to chronic inflammation.
IL-6 effect implicates exercise as a first line defense against
inflammation and may explain the “counter-intuitive” findings on
the benefit of resistance training in highly inflammatory diseases
like rheumatoid arthritis 26
The exercise factor
sometime, science has been searching for a molecule that could
account for the acute metabolic effects of exercise. Exercise
reduces“all cause mortality” due to its
effects on the leading killers; heart disease, diabetes, and cancer
IL-6 is also beginning to be shown to be protective against diseases
like diabetes 12, 14, 16
same diseases have strong links to inflammation which is now
suspected as a major underlying cause. It has long been thought that
exercises impact on weight loss was the reason behind this. However,
IL-6 also plays a role as a mediating factor in exercise’s
effects on fuel metabolism 1, 3, 4, 6, 15
The broad effects IL-6 has on inflammatory cytokines, fuel
metabolism, plus its ability to “talk” to the brain, liver, and
adipose tissue, has some researchers thinking it is the best
candidate for the elusive exercise factor 6
also shows a tight relationship to muscle glycogen and exercise
intensity. When muscle sugar stores begin to decrease, an intensity
threshold is breached and much larger amounts are released
Rising exercise intensity, full body muscle contraction, and muscle
glycogen depletion are the major exercise elements enhancing IL-6
release from muscle11-12, 38.
the above scenario, it should be apparent that the ability to harness
IL-6 through exercise can have a significant effect on not only
inflammation, but whole body fuel usage, and tissue repair.
effects of exercise induced IL-6
is a potent stimulator of adipose tissue fatty acid oxidation and is
a major factor in liver glycogenolysis.1, 4
studies show that IL-6 is having a direct and important effect on the
brain. These studies show IL-6 playing a role in appetite regulation,
fuel regulation, and body composition 16.
approaches to inflammation
damage associated with chronic inflammation is compounded by a lack
of offsetting growth factors. The body produces these growth factors
in response to intense exercise. Testosterone and especially growth
hormone are known to be factors linked closely with intensity. The
word intense as we are describing here means exercise that is
glycogen depleting, i.e., significantly reduces
bodies muscle and liver sugar stores. Only two types of exercise are
able to produce these effects long duration exercise lasting hours or
short intense sprint type exercise.
addition, the overall hormonal response to long duration exercise is
counterproductive as it raises cortisol levels above the body’s
ability to compensate with growth promoters 27-34
intensity exercise using short burst of all out effort significantly
alters glycogen stores, and can be easily managed through the use of
intervals; periods of all out effort interspersed with
This type of activity is manageable by those considered most frail in
terms of exercise prescription including COPD 19-20, post bypass
patients 22, congestive heart failure 23, and even heart transplant
patients 18
This type of anaerobic stimulus more realistically mimics real world
challenge and allows for self paced exercise that is safe, tolerable,
and more beneficial for many heart and lung patients
Cardiac patients also have less risk with this type of activity as it
has more favorable effects on ST segment changes and heart rate
variability 21, 24-25.
type of exercise also makes sense because it creates a hormonal
environment that produces sustained fat burning as well as muscle
growth 42-44. The amount of glycogen reduction is directly
correlated to IL-6 release and high intensity exercise is shown to
increase IL-6 and catecholamines together 5-6, 11, 49
Catecholamines have their own independent effect in lowering TNF
alpha and IL-1, synergistically enhancing IL-6. Combining these known
effects with techniques that can deliver the same benefit in less
time presents the opportunity to supply these
effects in short time periods 45, 46.
anti-inflammatory workout.
most efficient way to generate an ample IL-6 response to exercise is
to combine resistance training and aerobic exercise in one workout.
types of exercises used also should move away from more conventional
that involve large muscles and combine multiple joints stimulate a
large amount of
contraction and supply a better stimulus for IL-6 release 6
Hybrid exercises that combine two or more traditional types of
exercise in one movement are able to stimulate large amounts of
muscle, and cut down on time in the gym. An example of this type of
movement would be combining a squat exercise with a shoulder press.
rest periods should be taken when needed with exercise being resumed
as quickly as possible. The ability to speak is a good indication of
exertion and usually corresponds to 85% of one’s V02 max 50.
A person should push until they have to rest and then rest until they
can push again. Using heart rate measures coupled to exertion scores
based on the ability to speak, exercise participants can create a
safe workout that delivers a large dose of antiinflammatory
mediators. The easiest way to incorporate the
short rest periods and failure concept is to use supersets and hybrid
movements. A superset consists of two exercises done back to back
without rest. A short cycle can be set up so that three
to four exercises are done back to back in succession and repeated
until the participant must stop or reaches his or her limit. Once
that occurs, the participant can rest until they are able to continue
again, using the ability to talk as a guide. The use of a stopwatch
allows the exerciser to time themselves for 10, 20, or 30 minutes.
This creates an efficient workout that induces a large IL-6 response
and also excels at increased fat burning and optimal hormone

1. Fischöl – Angeblich auch Antiinflammatory?

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